Refresh-Rx Foundation

NOLO Project

NOLO Project – The NOLO Project has two arms.

a. Intervention Arm – Where we adopt schools, conduct screening for causes of poor schools performance. The goal is to support stakeholders in the quest to produce learner who are resilient, confident achievers who Surmont all obstacles to excel in life. Education is pivotal in developing human capital. This gift however eludes many children who cannot meet their educational milestones due to a myriad of factors. These include medical problems, below average intelligence, specific learning disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, emotional problems, poor socio-cultural home environment, psychiatric disorders and environmental causes. Students with poor academic performance are more likely to be disruptive in class, truant and drop out of school altogether.

‘No One Left Out’ (NOLO) project seeks to raise awareness about the causes of poor school performance (PSP) and the interventions accessible to parents, students and teachers.  campaign. We wish to address the ‘Kofibaboni’ myth of defining certain groups of persons as unable to fully realize their potential.

Our first five-year goal is to reach ten million (10m) individuals with our awareness campaign (make referral of children with poor school performance to a pediatrician common knowledge), directly assist one million (1m) Ghanaian school children and a hundred (100) teachers through our on-site intervention programs.


b. Advocacy Arm –

  • Rotary Club: Mental Health Fair.

  • JoyLearning – Parenting style, poor school performance and mental health

Parenting styles can have an effect on a child’s mental health and consequently, the school performance of the child. Refresh-RX Foundation had the opportunity to discuss this topic with parents and guidance through the JoyLearning platform.


Sunny FM:

IM Drive: Throwed light on what is mental health. The core dimensions of mental health. and an in-depth discussion of what poor school performance is and the remediation available. Focused on what can be done by the educator and parents for learners. How learners with special needs can be helped.


Discussion of the types of remediation for poor school performance from an education development expert. Early intervention, how school performance can be a good indicator for identification and success of intervention that is easy for all to relate.


Sunset Drive: Discussion with experts in mental health; a psychiatrist and a pharmacist creating awareness of causes of poor school performance.  The focus was on mental disorders and poor wellbeing that can affect school performance and the remediation available.  The discussion also sought to break the myth of Kofibaboni. #NO ONE LEFT OUT

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