Refresh-Rx Foundation

Freedom Project

Refresh-Rx Foundation, in a collaboration with Ghana Prisons Service is addressing the challenges of poor mental health and well-being of in-mates and staff that mitigates against the primary objective of the noble organization (Ghana Prisons Service) in reforming all manner of persons entrusted in their care as custodians. This collaboration will start with a pilot project and ultimately result in the operation of an efficient mental health service program under the Ghana Prisons Service.

Mental health disorders and poor well-being are important public health concerns worldwide. The frequency of these unfortunate state of unwellness increases significantly in prisons. However, within prisons, mental health illnesses are difficult to diagnose and manage because of the lack of facilities and technical know-how. The persistence of these problems leads to loss of productivity, increased treatment cost, increased mortality and increased number of recidivists.

Refresh-Rx Foundation seeks to do something about the problem through the creation an ambience environment for mental health and well-being in the prisons, early identification and treatment of issues of mental health and wellbeing among prison inmates and staff, provision of a self-esteem programme to facilitate behaviour change and knowledge transfer. The project has been named the Freedom Project.

c. Patient Support Group

  • Johnson and Johnson



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